Click on "Show Hidden Files and Folders" and a menu will appear.A file named "Folder Options: Show Hidden Files and Folders" should appear. In it type, "Hidden files" and press enter. There should be a search feature in the upper right hand corner.Open your start menu and select "Control Panel".minecraft file on a regular basis for things like new updates, follow these steps: Rename your old jar file "minecraft".jar, and you will be able to play the old version again. If and when you decide to play your old version of Minecraft, which you will need for any servers that are not currently 1.9 Version 3, just rename your current minecraft.jar something like, "minecraft1.9.3". You're done! Now you can open Minecraft and play 1.9.3. Be sure that it is named "minecraft" exactly.

When it does, open it and type %appdata% in the "Open Tab" and click "OK". Your computer's Run program should appear. minecraft folder is to open your start menu and in the search bar type, "run". Download the update by clicking here. Save the file in a folder somewhere with easy access, like your desktop.Golden Apples' tool-tip appears pink - the apple itself has a shine effect.Jens confirmed that this update would include: "simplified potion system, added some new items and enchantment table (wip) + babies" and probably much more! Players are quickly making discoveries, though. This one is hot off the presses! Last night, Notch promised a 1.9 Version 3 Update and here it is! UPDATE: Minecraft 1.9.5 Has Been Leaked! Get it Here.